Holistic Approach to Anxiety and Depression

Depression and anxiety affect nearly one in five Americans, but you don’t have to navigate these challenges alone. Join Dr. Christi Weston, director of Outpatient Psychiatry at Capital Health, and Victoria Pena-Cardinali, licensed clinical social worker, for an informative conversation about the prevention and treatment of depression and anxiety using a whole-person approach that supports physical, emotional, social, and spiritual wellbeing. Nancy McCormack, a registered yoga instructor and certified yoga therapist from the Capital Health Wellness Center, will end the class with a demonstration of gentle yoga stretches.

This event will be taking place virtually using Zoom. A call-in option is available for those without video access. Meeting details will be provided via email 2-3 days before the program date. Registration ends 24 hours before the program date.

Registration Instructions
Call 609-394-4153 for more information.
Event Times, Dates & Locations